It is widely used in highway, railway subgrade, subway project, waste landfill, tunnel, green belt, sports ground, slope protection caused by high water content and other drainage fields, as well as underground irrigation and drainage system of agriculture and horticulture.
类型 | JWDGP-25 | JWDGP-50 | JWDGP-63 | JWSB150 |
单螺杆直径(mm) | Φ45 | Φ65 | Φ65 | Φ75 |
L/D | 30:1 | 33:1 | 33:1 | 33:1 |
总功率(kw) | 50 | 70 | 70 | 100 |
直径范围(mm) | Φ8-20 | Φ12-50 | Φ12-63 | Φ90-150 |
最快速度(m/min) | 25 | 15 | 10 | 5 |